Questions Answered by the Team
Q: When did Skol launch?
A: July 31, 2023
Q: Is Skol on Discord?
A: Not yet, but there are plans to expand to Discord in the future.
Q: How many tokens are circulating?
A: Current Circulating Supply: 4,824,903.122943620856448278
Q: Which chain should I buy Skol on?
A: Skol is on Ethereum, Pulsechain, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, and Base Chain. In the end Skol is Skol; it's the same total supply. It's similar to a token with Multiple CEX listings. People will have their preference on where to buy, and this way there is an option that suits everyone's preferences.
Q: Which pool should I buy Skol from?
A: Generally it's best to swap on the largest pool. For instance, you can buy Skol using pDAI on PulseChain. Ultimately, you can use any paired token or coin you would like and the exchange will work out the best trade for you.
Q: How does this liquidity system benefit Skol?
A: With the liquidity system, we can create more volume overall and push Skol's total price up. The pools also provide the opportunity to hedge Skol into projects with tons of potential like pDAI, BTCW, etc. It creates stability and volume due to the fact that when a paired token goes up on value, Skol's value goes up with it. Diversifying LP is a smart move like diversifying a portfolio. Skol is developing a Liquidity Manager to better manage the liquidity pools in the future.
Q: What exactly is a Liquidity Manager?
A: The Liquidity Manager is a missing piece in Skol's liquidity system. It will give the project control over the pools to bring them to there full potential. More will be explained about the Liquidity Manager as soon as it's live.
Q: Won't having all of these LPs create huge arbitrage opportunities?
A: Absolutely, but that's part of the motivation behind creating all these Liquidity Pools.
Q: Top 50 holders will be rewarded with revenue from Skol's platforms, but is this only for Ethereum holders?
A: Skol plans to make a system that will include all holders, regardless of chain.
Q: Is ETH chain fast enough for a gaming P2E like Ragnarok?
A: Absolutely. The contract is set up in such a way that gas will stay low.
Q: I want to create a new pool. Is it better to burn the supply or not? What would be the difference?
A: Burning the pool would make it permanent so that no one can ever pull it.
Q: Is it better to have different liquidity pools of the same pair, perhaps one that is burned and another that isn't? Or is it better to just create one single pool with as much value as possible for the same pair?
A: More pools would cause more arbitrage, which could translate to more volume in some cases. Having more value in one single pool can cause more volume than multiple pools as well. Every situation is a bit different
Q: In a liquidity pool, can you burn a percentage instead of the entire supply, sort of like a hybrid?
A: You can burn any amount you like, it does not need to be all of it.
Q: Can anyone add to a liquidity pool whether the entire, or part of its supply has been burned?
A: You can add whether people burned LP tokens or not, it makes no difference in that regard.
Q: How could the dev team profit from liquidity pools?
A: There are many ways to go about this. Liquidity is a long game. You can pull 10 percent out down the road when the pool has grown enough and volume is high. One thing worth mentioning about Meteora (SOL) is that when you burn LP tokens, it allows you to harvest fees at any time, forever. Alternatively, you can let it compound over time without pulling fees.
Q: Liquidity doesn't affect the market cap at all? Why is that and how does it benefit the chart as opposed to volume bots?
A: This is false. The marketcap means zero if there is no liquidity to trade with. If a token was at $1 billion marketcap and only had $30k in liquidity, you would not be able to get anywhere near what your bag is worth. Liquidity is everything in crypto. Another example is if you 2Xed the main SOL liquidity pool you would 4X the marketcap that is how the math works. A diverse liquidity system will feed the main pool over time creating an up-only monster.
Q: How or when would we incur into impermanent loss and is it salvageable?
A: This is where the long game comes in as the value will balance if both assets are solid. It's best practice to create a pool where you like both projects, that way there is no way to lose. Another thing to note is that impermanent loss is much lower in a diverse LP web.
Q: Explain more about this team's vision for Skol.
A: There are plans in place for many years to come. The ecosystem will continue to grow, but it will always revolve around the Skol token. Skol will not only becomes more scarce with each utility and game, but demand will increase with it. Skol holders will also be competing for a spot in the Top 50 for access to revenue share provided by a number of applications. But even if you're not in the Top 50, you can look forward to the shrinking supply and constant buybacks. Skol's contract has an auto buyback function built into it. Currently buybacks are manual, but the day will come when the switch gets turned for automatic buybacks. At that point tax would be moved completely to buybacks. Runestone's revenue and other utilities' revenue will cover anything Skol needs in the future.
Q: How can I donate to Skol's cause?
Community wallet for LP/Bridges/CEX/P2E
ETH (MultiSig): 0x76d5D9623F3D59FdD5447435E4C3032EDd8Ca848
EVM: 0x5146daf99a91d4e4df017d9c16475fc46910b325
SOL: 9urGPwsgJgFoAsLAUBwj6Yzz7M5wY8za1JeuQexUqhNo
Last updated